The Palmach House Library includes more than 2000 books, booklets and articles. The library is a reference library, and books can only be viewed in the Library room.
Books are divided by subject matter into the following classifications: General and Reference books; Haganah Organization; British in Palestine; Palmach – General; Special Palmach Units; Youth Movements; Hachsharot; Settlement; Palyam; War of Independence; Palmach during the War of Independence; Biographies; Autobiographies and Memoirs; Palmach Commanders; Literature about the Palmach and by Palmach authors; Poetry; Commemoration and Remembrance; Yitzhak Sade Prize; Art; Resistance Movements; Etzel and Lechi; Jerusalem; Deceased members; Settlements at War; Pilots; Songs; Books in the Memorial Room. The majority of books were published in Hebrew.
To find a specific book, please access the Library section of the Hebrew website and search for the book by title and / or author. The library has an ever growing number of memoirs and commemoration books personally produced by Palmach members, most of which are not available in other public libraries.